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It’s A Revolution- $300 Million Deal Inked For 1000 PreFabs

by MHProNews

Philippine-based unicorn startup Revolution Precrafted has sealed a $300-million exclusive deal in the Caribbean for the supply of its prefabricated units,” the firm said in a release to the Daily Business News.

The initial franchise deal with NOVO Development involves the supply of at least 1,000 units in the region that would create sales revenues of as much as $300 million. Revolution Precrafted offers exclusive tie-ups in over 195 countries that allow its partners to use its designs and units for a fee of $125,000 to $2 million, depending on the size of each country’s economy,” the firm tells MHProNews.   

Bloomberg filed this video report.

An even larger deal may be pending, per sources to MHProNews.

Do the math. These aren’t cheaper, low end housing. It’s a 300k per home price tag.  Revolution – as long-time Daily Business News readers know – specializes in ‘designer’ homes by high end architects and artists.

It is another concrete example of how Asian producers are providing products to North American, Caribbean, and Latin American nations. American factory builders, this is your wake up call.  The time for lethargy is long over. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis and commentary.)

(Third-party images, and cites are provided under fair use guidelines.)

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